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The Rubrics project is one of the educational process development projects at King Saud University. It seeks to achieve three goals of the strategic plan for learning and teaching, which are: supporting and encouraging faculty members to achieve excellence in the field of learning and teaching, providing a distinguished academic environment that supports excellence and creativity in learning and teaching, and developing a system for continuous improvement that ensures the effectiveness of teaching and the quality of learning outcomes.

The Rubrics project aims to improve the practices of assessing students' academic performance by spreading the culture of using the rubrics to achieve learning outcomes. It provides a website that displays rubrics in both Arabic and English. When a faculty member chooses the rubrics compatible with the requirements of his/her course, they may adjust the criteria and weights according to the course’s specialized goals.

A number of templates are available on the website, categorized according to the most common tasks in the academic education, which are: (presentations, electronic discussions, class discussions, infographics, scientific posters, research papers, reflective papers, criticizing papers, field visits, graduation project, laboratories reports, and achievement portfolios). Rubrics models have also been uploaded to the Blackboard Learning Management System to make it easier for the faculty member to use them directly with the assignments associated in the course pages on the Blackboard system.

Last updated on : January 12, 2023 2:07am